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Boris Johnson reveals he has coronavirus: PM, 55, tested positive for killer disease after Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty urged him to get checked after he developed a cough

  • Boris Johnson announced that he has tested positive for coronavirus as the outbreak spreads across the UK 
  • Prime Minister insisted he will still lead UK's response to the crisis thanks to 'wizard of modern technology'
  • Mr Johnson took part in applause for NHS staff from Downing Street last night and was in Commons for PMQs
  • Bombshell news will raise fears that other politicians and senior officials will have been infected as well 
  • Mr Johnson's partner Carrie Symonds pregnant and thought to have been following guidance on self-isolation
  • Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?
  • Boris Johnson today dramatically announced he is suffering from coronavirus - but insisted he is still determined to lead the UK battle against the crisis.  
    The Prime Minister said he had tested positive for the disease, after developing a temperature and cough yesterday afternoon, and being advised by Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty to get checked.
    The 55-year-old insisted he has 'mild' symptoms', and will be continuing to lead the national response over video-conference.
    However, the bombshell news underlines fears that the crisis is escalating. There will also be concerns that other senior ministers, senior officials such as Prof Whitty, and potentially Mr Johnson's pregnant partner Carrie Symonds, might have been infected. 

    Downing Street insisted there is no need for other members of the government to get tests unless they start displaying symptoms,
    Despite the government's own guidance suggesting people should self-isolate if they have come into contact with someone with symptoms, no senior figures - such as Chancellor Rishi Sunak who was with the PM last night - are believed to staying in their homes. 
    In a video, Mr Johnson said: 'Hi folks I want to bring you up to speed on something that is happening today which is that I have developed mild symptoms of coronavirus, that is to say a temperature and a persistent cough, and on the advice of the chief medical officer I have taken a test. 
    'That has come out positive so I am working from home, I am self isolating. 
    'That is entirely the right thing to do but be in no doubt that I can continue thanks to the wizardry of modern technology to communicate with all my top team to lead the national fight back against coronavirus.'  
    Prince Charles was confirmed as infected with coronavirus earlier this week. Other world leaders such as Canada's Justin Trudeau has tested positive.
    Downing Street has previously said that Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab will fill in if the PM is incapacitated, although there is little sign that he has stopped working. 
    In another frantic day of developments in the battle against coronavirus: 
    • A council is facing a furious backlash after targeting members of the public with drones, as lawyers warned that police are 'unlawfully' trying to restrict people travelling to isolated spots to exercise and walk their dogs;
    • There are demands for the government to go further to help millions of self-employed after Mr Sunak admitted a bailout for income support will not be up and running until June;
    • There are fears the outbreak is accelerating after the declared UK death toll rose by 113 to 578 yesterday - the steepest increase yet;
    • Buckingham Palace has said the Queen remains in 'good health' and has not seen the PM since March 11; 
    • It has emerged an email mix-up meant the UK did not participate in an EU scheme for sourcing more ventilators quickly;
    • Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner has announced she is self-isolating after coming down with coronavirus symptoms that 'gradually' increased; 
  • Prince Charles, the first Royal Family member to test positive for coronavirus


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