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Showing posts from April, 2011

Freemasonry In Early America

A brief history of the activity of Masonry in America, both politically and militarily, must be understood before we can fully comprehend the appalling truth behind the censored story that spawned the Anti-Masonic Movement. There are two separate Masonic forces in the world — one headquartered in London, the other in Paris. The Paris Lodge is of Templar origin. Its founders were the Knights Templar, who fled to Scotland during their 14 th century persecution. While in Scotland they developed an esoteric form of worship that was carried into workingman lodges. Most workingmen in those days built cathedrals and castles out of stone. As stonemasons, they quartered close to work in mason lodges. Apprentices quartered in “entered apprentice” lodges; craftsmen in “fellow craftsmen” lodges; and taskmasters in “master mason” lodges. The Templars attached their form of mystic worship to these three degrees of labor. Hence stone-mason lodges were turned into centers of esoteric worship. This fo

Freemasonry In Early America

A brief history of the activity of Masonry in America, both politically and militarily, must be understood before we can fully comprehend the appalling truth behind the censored story that spawned the Anti-Masonic Movement. There are two separate Masonic forces in the world — one headquartered in London, the other in Paris. The Paris Lodge is of Templar origin. Its founders were the Knights Templar, who fled to Scotland during their 14 th century persecution. While in Scotland they developed an esoteric form of worship that was carried into workingman lodges. Most workingmen in those days built cathedrals and castles out of stone. As stonemasons, they quartered close to work in mason lodges. Apprentices quartered in “entered apprentice” lodges; craftsmen in “fellow craftsmen” lodges; and taskmasters in “master mason” lodges. The Templars attached their form of mystic worship to these three degrees of labor. Hence stone-mason lodges were turned into centers of esoteric worship. This fo

Morgan’s 9/11 Capture and Subsequent Murder

Sept. 11, 1826, Morgan was abducted. Within 48 hours three Masons murdered him. Twenty-two years later one of the three made a deathbed confession, the details of which can be read in Finney’s book on pages 6-10. In 1826 and the year following there was a general consensus among Masons that Morgan was indeed killed as penalty for his crimes against the Brotherhood. How or when Morgan was killed, and what Mason or Masons were “honored” with the task, was not known by the majority of lodge brothers. But, like the Niagara River in which he was drowned, rumors flowed endlessly among them. Following are four. Elias Wilder of Elba, New York, himself not a Mason, said that “two or three weeks before William Morgan was carried from Batavia, I had a conversation with Freemason Cyrus Grout on the subject of Morgan’s attempt to publish the secrets of Masonry. Mr. Grout told me that the Masons had sent to the Grand Lodge of New York for instructions, and when they got word from them there would be

Morgan’s 9/11 Capture and Subsequent Murder

Sept. 11, 1826, Morgan was abducted. Within 48 hours three Masons murdered him. Twenty-two years later one of the three made a deathbed confession, the details of which can be read in Finney’s book on pages 6-10. In 1826 and the year following there was a general consensus among Masons that Morgan was indeed killed as penalty for his crimes against the Brotherhood. How or when Morgan was killed, and what Mason or Masons were “honored” with the task, was not known by the majority of lodge brothers. But, like the Niagara River in which he was drowned, rumors flowed endlessly among them. Following are four. Elias Wilder of Elba, New York, himself not a Mason, said that “two or three weeks before William Morgan was carried from Batavia, I had a conversation with Freemason Cyrus Grout on the subject of Morgan’s attempt to publish the secrets of Masonry. Mr. Grout told me that the Masons had sent to the Grand Lodge of New York for instructions, and when they got word from them there would be

سياسيون بعد اعترافات جمال مبارك: انكشف المستور.. الابن كان يريد اغتصاب السلطة

كتب   سماح عبدالعاطى ومحمد السنهورى وهيثم الشرقاوى    ٢٩/ ٤/ ٢٠١١ أثارت اعترافات جمال مبارك أمام النيابة العامة المتعلقة بنيته للترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية، والتى انفردت «المصرى اليوم» بنشرها فى عددها الصادر أمس، عدداً من ردود الأفعال، على اعتبار أنها المرة الأولى، التى يصرح فيها أحد أفراد عائلة الرئيس السابق مبارك بوجود مشروع للتوريث، وتباينت الآراء حول الاعترافات، ففى حين وصفها البعص بأنها «عديمة القيمة»، رأى البعض الآخر أنها مثل «الطبيخ البايت»، وجاء رأى طرف ثالث بأنها نوع من «النزق» الذى غرقت فيه مؤسسة الرئاسة السابقة، وطالب فريق رابع بمحاكمة فورية لجمال، على ما أدلى به من اعترافات. فقد وصف أبوالعز الحريرى، القيادى السابق فى حزب التجمع، تصريحات مبارك الابن بأنها «عديمة القيمة»، لأنه جاءت عقب الثورة، ولأنها تبرر تسلل جمال لمؤسسات الدولة، مستغلاً فى ذلك منصب والده كرئيس للجمهورية . وأضاف «الحريرى» قائلاً إن المشكلة لم تكن فى اعترافات مبارك الابن، وإنما فى الترتيبات التى كانت تتم لتنفيذ مخطط التوريث، بما فى ذلك تسخير وتوظيف بعض وسائل الإعلام لخدمة التوريث، ومد أذرع هنا وهناك فى أجهزة ا