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Members of the MEK at their new base in Albania

The Iranian opposition fighters who can't think about sex

Kenya crowd

Why counting people is so controversial

Durwood Zaelke

How air conditioning could help to save the planet

Lisa Vanderpump

The reigning queen of American reality TV

A young boy with a prosthetic limb

Making prosthetic limbs for Nigerian children

Tabata Amaral

From poverty to politics: Meet ‘Brazil’s AOC’

Big Bird (L) and other Sesame Street puppet characters pose next to temporary street sign November 9, 2009

Five moments that define Sesame Street

Gordon Sondland

Trump’s man in Brussels in eye of the storm

White statues

What it means to be white

Can a Billionaire 'Buy' an Election? Democratic Candidates Attack Bloomberg

Recent history shows that a large amount of money on hand doesn't necessarily guarantee a campaign's success. At the same time, nobody as rich as Michael Bloomberg has ever run for president.

Ilhan Omar Condemns 'Coup' in Bolivia as Evo Morales Steps Down

President Evo Morales said Sunday he would resign after the military and police called on him to step down following weeks of unrest over his alleged rigging of last month's presidential election.

Delhi's Air Pollution Shot Up to Levels 'Rarely Seen Before' in November

Schools had to be closed and flights canceled, while residents were told to avoid outdoor physical activities and advised to wear anti-pollution masks last week. Some ministers proffered their own solutions, from eating more carrots to listening to music.

Best STEM High Schools 2020

Newsweek partnered with to rank America's Best STEM High Schools. We found successful schools in every region of the country.

Mauritius: The perfect gateway to Africa

EQUIS Accredited Business Schools 2019

Why Haven’t You Thought About Coding?

Which Global Universities are Leading the Way in 2019?


Trump Admin Accused of Weaponizing Government Fees With Asylum Charge

"Current fees would leave the agency underfunded by approximately $1.3 billion per year," USCIS has claimed.

Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Booed at Book Launch

The president's eldest son walked out on Trump backers at the University of California campus in Westwood, Los Angeles yesterday, after they shouted "USA!" and "Q&A!"
Nikki Haley

Haley Offended When Tillerson, Kelly Tried to Get Her to 'Undermine' Trump

"Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren't being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country," the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations revealed.
smoking, vaping, e-cigarette, tobacco, stock, getty

Vaping Could Be 'Potentially Even More' Harmful to Hearts Than Smoking

The warning comes amid a U.S.-wide outbreak of vaping-related lung injuries.
Khizr Khan

Father of Deceased Veteran Says Trump Ran When it Was His Turn to Serve

Khizr Khan's comments came as he joined a number of veterans who rebuked comments made by Donald Trump Jr. in his new book, in which he described a visit to Arlington National Cemetery.
Jamal Khashoggi, UBer, CEO, Saudi Arabia, editor

Khashoggi's Editor Slams Uber CEO, Says Comment Shows 'Spiritual Rot'

Dara Khosrowshahi said the murder was a "mistake" and suggested that the Saudi government has taken the fallout "seriously."
robert o'brien national security adviser

NATO Breaking Up Because Germany 'Not Paying Fair Share': Trump Adviser

Trump's National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said Germany and other NATO members "not paying their fair share" of defense spending is breaking up the alliance.
google doodle veterans day

The Veterans Day Google Doodle is a Painting by an Iraq War Veteran

The veteran and artist of the Google Doodle wants to teach children about the importance of honoring their duty.
transit of mercury

Watch Rare Transit of Mercury Live as Planet Passes in Front of the Sun

This celestial event only takes place around 13 times a century.
NYPD Subway Watch

Video of NYPD Officers Handcuffing Churro Vendor in Subway Station Goes Viral

A passerby captured a confrontation between a woman selling churros and several officers of the New York City Police Department on Friday evening in a video that has since gone viral on social media.
vegetable, salad, lettuce, food, stock, getty

Some People Genetically 'Hardwired' To Find Vegetables Bitter, Avoid Them

Their genetic make-up could also ruin the taste of chocolate, coffee, and beer.
Berlin Wall Memorial
November 9, 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Celebrate the triumph of freedom with these memorials dedicated to the history of the Cold War.
Bowie was more than a multi-platinum rock and roller. He was also one of the more literate composers in the business.
Across the globe, sculpture parks present imposing works (and even ideas) that are too large to be contained within four walls.
Islanders call Saba "The Unspoiled Queen of the Caribbean" for its pristine landscapes and striking biodiversity as well as the absence of crowds, chain stores, and cruise ship throngs.

Leaders of Qatar, Part 1

What Can a Degree in Public Health Do For You?

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